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About Us

Everybody knows the story of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round table RIGHT?


But did you know the significance the round table? 


With the development of chivalry came the belief in the worth of the individual whether or not he held land or weapons the round table is a good example of this raising of the individuals value.

The round table was meant to shift power from just the king who normally sat at the head of the table and spoke so everyone listened. With a round table it was symbolic of the fact that all the people seated at the table had equal weight and equal say in matters. It was almost democratic. 

I created round table recruitment to follow this very simple yet effective trait and we continue to work to this ethos every day.  The idea behind this is that every job, candidate, employer and individual would be able to feel part of the Round Table family, in turn creating a partnership and recruitment solution for any business to enable a 'one stop shop' approach and to make your every day working lives as easy as we can.

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